5 Problems Technology Can Fix In the Future

By Tian DuBelko


Look at the tech industry and you’ll find plenty of entrepreneurs and innovators hard at work, finding solutions to today’s problems. It’s a good thing they are, too, because, despite the many technological advancements we’ve made, there are still some massive social issues facing communities around the world today.

For one, not everybody has access to basic resources such as clean drinking water or electricity. For many tech founders wanting to make a difference in society while starting successful businesses, creating solutions that change the world in some way has become a top priority. There is happiness to be found in helping others, and that’s often through sharing with them a better future.

Check out some problems that technology could be solving very, very soon:

1. Eradicating mass hunger

There’s enough food to feed everyone, yet nearly a billion people go to bed hungry every night. Simply put, there is too much inequality in the world. Many people don’t have the required land or enough income to grow or buy food. However, advances in genetic engineering and farming methods will allow us to grow crops cheaply and efficiently, which means more available and affordable food sources for everyone.

2. Solving (currently) incurable diseases

Not only is genomics evolving our understanding of the disease, but the delivery of health care is experiencing a full-on makeover as well. As our understanding of biology improves, so will our drugs and methods for detecting and curing diseases. Our knowledge of genomics is constantly evolving, as is our understanding of diseases in general. With sufficient advances, we could soon be finding cures for community-destroying diseases like Ebola and Malaria.

3. Providing cheap and affordable healthcare

Even if we don’t get many new drugs in the future, new healthcare technologies will have a major impact in getting existing drugs and medicine to people. Healthcare innovators are constantly researching new technologies to improve healthcare quality, and we may soon see leaps in continuous health monitoring methods and new ways of detecting chronic diseases. Stay tuned: the health revolution is coming soon.

4. Giving a quality education for all

More people have access to higher education than ever thanks to the Internet. Students can learn from cheap, personalized courses anywhere at any time. The introduction of in-classroom technology means that students get a more customized learning environment, which in turn means higher graduation rates and a better education experience. In-class technology also offers disabled students and students who struggle in a traditional classroom setting a chance to receive a quality education, something that would be much harder without proper technology.

5. Generating cheaper power for everyone

Renewable energies are booming right now, and solar power just recently became the world’s cheapest energy source. For developing nations, it makes sense to go with cheaper, renewable options as opposed to building expensive infrastructures to support fossil fuel. Not only are renewable energies cheaper to produce, but they’re also better for our environment, making it a no-brainer choice as the energy source of the future.

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