How Techies Can Network in a Shared Office Space

By Tian DuBelko

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Meeting people in a shared office space can be intimidating, especially if you’re a techie or freelancer who is used to working remotely. After all, it can get overwhelming working alongside other freelancers and entrepreneurs constantly on the go. But one of biggest perks of a shared office space is that you have constant access to a like-minded, professional community. In this article, we’ve put together a guide on ways you can network with your fellow techies, freelancers, and entrepreneurs.

1. Make Small Talk

We get it. Most people don’t like making aimless small talk at the water cooler. But keeping to yourself in a shared office space takes away one of the biggest perks of working at one. Considering how much you’ll run into people, it doesn’t hurt to at least get their name and what company they’re working for. Who knows, you might even make a friend or two.

2. Sharing is Caring

Whether it’s your knowledge and expertise, or your marketing swag, be generous. People will remember you as someone brimming full of wisdom. And if you’re handing out useful things with your company’s brand on them, such as pens, mugs, paper pads, etc, people will remember that, too.

3. Include Others

There’s nothing that grows an organic network faster than connecting other people. If you’ve been a member at a shared office space for a while, then it’s likely you know some of the other users well. You might consider extending your help to connect new members with others in your network. They’ll appreciate your help and you’ll have made a new genuine connection.

4. Socialize

Many shared office spaces will have social nights or and events to attend. Make it a point to go and mingle with everyone there. And if your office doesn’t organize social events? Then hold your own! It’s impossible to network and meet people until you start socializing.

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