5 Tips For A Better Company Website

By Tian DuBelko

A website being designed on a mac computer screen.

If you’re a digital entrepreneur, then you understand the importance of having a company website. After all, one of the first exposures that a potential customer might have with your brand is your company’s website. And in business, first impressions are everything. While building a simple landing page is easy, understanding how your audience navigates your website and interacts with your products is far more time-consuming. In this article, we have some pointers on how you can build a better company website and impress customers.

Make a Great First Impression

In today’s world of content overflow, consumers spend increasingly less time on one thing before moving on to the next. Your website might be the first and only thing a customer sees when engaging your brand. That means you only have one shot to get their attention before they move on. Every last detail, from the brand messaging, the images, and even the coloring and font could have an impact on whether a customer comes back to your site.

Refine, Not Reinvent, the Wheel

Do a quick search and browse through the lists of “best of” sites in your field. Many influencers and designers will highlight their favorite websites and explain why. Also, paying attention to your competitors will keep you updated on best practices and see what they’re doing. That way, you can do what they’re doing, but better.

Keep it Clean and Simple

While it can be tempting to have creative color schemes and fancy fonts on your website, experts recommend a simple interface and design. A good website is one that grabs the customer’s interest and is easy to navigate. If your website is too difficult to navigate, customers will take their business elsewhere.

Include a Human Element

Despite the online nature of digital entrepreneurship, including a human element in your web design will allow you to connect more easily with customers. Studies have shown that the human factor is the greatest driving force behind people’s media engagement, and customers naturally connect with your brand when they see images of people just like them.

Don’t Forget to A/B Test

A website isn’t something you create once and walk away from. A website, especially for your company, is always a work in progress. You need to be consistently testing the effectiveness of your content and copy. A/B Testing, also known as split testing, allows you to test different versions of your website to see which one performs better. Frequent A/B Testing will let you quickly identify what is or isn’t working which means you can make steady improvements.

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