5 Keys to Staying Motivated Towards Your Business Goals

By Tian DuBelko


Have you been stumped by a long-term project, with seemingly nothing to show for your hard work? It’s hard to stay motivated when there is often a lack of an immediate payoff. How do you keep pushing yourself when it appears that nothing changes from day to day?

When self-doubt and frustration creep in, it’s important that you find ways to stay motivated. Here are five key strategies to staying motivated towards your goals, even when you’re not at your best.

1. Look At the Big Picture

Sometimes, the daily grind can get us down and make us lose sight of the big picture. What is your ultimate goal? Write that down somewhere to remind yourself, and come back to it every once in a while to remind yourself where you’re headed.

2. Nurture Your Personal Life

Sometimes we can get caught up in our professional lives and neglect our personal ones. Taking a break to hang out with friends and family can be beneficial to your mental wellbeing, and it allows you to be reenergized when you head back to work.

3. Reach Out For Help

Remember: it’s always okay to ask for help. If you’re struggling with a project or a task, stop and ask someone for help. In work environments like a shared office space, you’re encouraged to work together with the collaborative community and come up with solutions together.

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4.  Find a Hobby

If you’re not making progress with work, you might be suffering from burnout. Find a hobby that you can find joy and relaxation in. For some people, it’s gardening. For others, it might be exercising or reading.

5. Find Inspiration

Are there any books or blogs that inspired you in the past? If so, go back and read them. If you don’t have a source of inspiration, there are plenty of resources on the Internet that you can use for a quick pick-me-up.

ExtraSlice – The Place for Tech™

Based in Bellevue, WA and founded by software engineers, extraSlice caters to technology companies of all sizes including early startup, emerging and enterprise. In addition to smart & flexible work-space, extraSlice’s emerging virtual tech community platform enables companies and growth providers to collaborate, grow, and connect with the rest of the globe.

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