Five Traits of Successful Tech Innovators

By Tian DuBelko


5 Traits of Successful Tech Innovators

From Steve Jobs to Bill Gates, our world has been shaped by these successful tech innovators and their companies. And as tech companies continue to dominate globally, more innovators and entrepreneurs are working on their own startups from garage spaces to shared office spaces.

And though necessity is the mother of invention, that invention is useless until an innovator refines it and connects it to the right audience. The smartphone is nothing more than a collection of circuitry and processors, but it’s something that most of us can’t go a day without.

A great innovator sees a space for their product or service that others fail to see. They do more than just listen to their customers. They invent something that people didn’t even know they needed or wanted. Just as how Steve Jobs turned the vision of a smartphone into a billion dollar industry, you too can begin your own journey as an innovator by understanding these five traits of successful tech innovators.


Being an innovator means you will have to take risks and do things differently. The most successful innovators embrace this inherent uncertainty looming in the background and pushes ahead with their idea anyway. If you think you have the next world-changing idea, dive headfirst into it. Only by tackling problems head on can we challenge the status quo, push existing boundaries, and achieve success.


Truly inspiring innovators also make for authentic leaders and genuine human beings. They wouldn’t ask you to do something that they wouldn’t mind getting their own hands dirty doing. If you want to inspire your team and create a highly-productive organization, be approachable and down-to-earth. When your team sees that their leader is someone who works hard day in and day out, they will likely follow suit.


There are many ways you can demonstrate your unselfishness as an innovator. Whether that’s through organizing community networking events or simply bringing your team lunch, there are many ways to show that you care for their well-being. After all, a happy and motivated team bodes well for your company, as you need empowered employees to bring your business vision to life.


It’s important that you remain objective and honest during your startup journey. Whether that’s being honest with yourself, with your employees, or with your investors, honesty is the bedrock to a value-based organization that hires passionate people and attracts dynamic investors looking to make a genuine company looking to make a difference in the world.


Even though your business plan speaks for itself, you should focus on the details as well. Taking the time to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your business approach, as well as any potential threats and opportunities, will help you better position your company to succeed in the long term and refine your operations.

Ready to Jump Right In?

Choosing the right shared tech office space can jumpstart your tech business and accelerate your company’s growth. In the right ecosystem, you’ll have an easier time hiring top talent, expanding your network, and even securing the next round of funding.

Think your Seattle tech company might be a good fit for ExtraSlice’s community of trendsetters and innovators? Then book a tour of our tech campus or visit our website to learn more about The Place for Tech!

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