Bill Gates Recommends These 4 Books on Science and Innovation

BIll Gates

Bill Gates reads about 50 books a year, and he shares his list of best books he read in his blog, He believes that science and innovation are the keys to solving many of the world’s biggest problems.

Below are four books from his list

1.Where Good Ideas Come From The Natural History of Innovation

The book exhibits an excellent hypothetical structure around how smart thoughts developed in the mankind’s history and exposing myths related with the same. The topic of the book is the means by which coral reefs, huge urban communities, and the internet give the right stage for innovation.

2.Energy Myths and Realities by Vaclav Smil

Energy Myths and Realities: Bringing Science to the Energy Policy Debate debunks the most common fallacies to make way for a constructive, scientific approach to the global energy challenges.

3.The Hair of the Dog and other Scientific Surprises by Karl Sabbagh

Science is full of surprises: the peculiar peepshow beginnings of baby incubators; the unexpected positive fallout from the H-bomb; the dinosaurs that caused sonic booms; the irrational nature of the number pi; the fifth taste sensation lurking in everyone`s taste buds which nobody knew about (except for the Japanese). Whilst shedding light on these conundrums, Karl Sabbagh shows that seemingly trivial queries or assumptions lead to a deeper understanding of how science works.

4. 13 Things that Don’t Make Sense by Michael Brooks

In 13 Things That Don’t Make Sense Michael Brooks meets thirteen modern-day anomalies that may become tomorrow’s breakthroughs. Is ninety six percent of the universe missing? If no study has ever been able to definitively show that the placebo effect works, why has it become a pillar of medical science? Was the 1977 signal from outer space a transmission from an alien civilization?

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