Senior/Principal Computer Vision Scientist (Multiple openings)

Full Time
Posted 7 years ago

Leading the way in Precision Medicine

Singularity AI

Singularity AI is leading the new trend in Precision Medicine

The Singularity AI Team  is looking for a Senior/Principal Computer Vision Scientist (Multiple openings).


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Job Description

      • Participate and lead our world-class medical image analysis team. The research work includes but not limited to image preprocessing, object detection and recognition, as well as segmentation, especially image understanding based on deep convolutional neural network.
      • Computer-aided diagnosis based on image processing and computer graphics.
      • Deep neural network-based natural language processing, multi-modality medical image analyzing.


      • Professional at C/C++, Python, implement and improve related algorithms.
      • Professional at deep learning algorithms, familiar with at least one of the deep learning libraries (CNTK, Pytorch, Caffe, Tensorflow, MXNet, etc.).
      • Prefer candidates with experience in Linux programming, multi-GPU programming.
      • Prefer candidates with publications at conferences or journals in computer vision (CPPR, ICCV, ECCV, T-PAMI, T-IP), machine learning (ICML, NIPS, ICLR), and medical image analysis (MICCAI, IPMI, TMI).
      • Ph.D. or master in computer science or other related majors. Ph.D. preferred.

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Job Features

Job CategorySoftware Development

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