The Pentagon’s predictions for 2045

By Tian DuBelko


The world we live in will be highly different by 2045.

Advanced technologies that have yet to be invented will become important parts of our everyday lives, and while we don’t know what these advancements are right now, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has a few ideas about some of the imminent technological breakthroughs we might soon see.

Predicting the future is no easy feat, but DARPA has the technological credentials to make an educated guess. Things that we take for granted every day such as the Internet or GPS were created by DARPA, which has had a hand in many military innovations and civilian technologies.

Here are the tech advancements that DARPA scientists think will play a role in 2045:

Neural Communications

DARPA scientists think we’ll control gadgets with only our brain signals. Simply through using our mind, we could control our environment. Imagine living in a world where you only need your thoughts to control your surroundings.

In 2045, it’s likely people will communicate using neural activity alone. Communicating with your family and friends through just your brain’s neural activity brings a new dimension to the concept of instant messaging as we know it now.

AI Airline Pilots

In 2045, a pilot may just need to say “Prepare for landing,” and the computer will know the sequence of complex steps it needs to take in order to make that happen. However, a human pilot may not even be necessary at all.

DARPA believes that artificial intelligence could control passenger planes from take-off to landing. Humans might not be entirely phased out from the flying process, since a real human

Might be needed on the flight deck as backup.

Future Construction

We probably won’t recognize the materials that are around us, but we do know that buildings of the future will be incredibly strong and ultra-light. DARPA thinks that molecular engineering will produce new building materials that will allow for both cheaper and stronger construction.

Skyscrapers made of materials as strong as steel but light as carbon fiber are not out of the imaginable reality. Recent advancements in molecular engineering have allowed us a glimpse into future building materials that are both light and sturdy.

Chatting with Machines

Advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence mean that by 2045, we will be talking to machines that learn and understand human language. Imagine a world in which we can communicate our intent instantly and directly to machines.

Not only that, these machines will simplify complex tasks and possibly eliminate keyboards. We’ll be able to simply talk or even press a button to get things done more intelligently, instead of relying on primitive voice-recognition and keyboards.

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