What First-Time Startups Should Know

By Tian DuBelko

What First-Time Startups Should Know

First-time startup founders quickly realize that the startup process extends beyond the traditional 9-to-5 work schedule. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. If you’re new to the startup game, there could be many unexpected elements that can make your life difficult. Hopefully, with this article, you’ll get gain some insight into leading a successful startup, whether in tech or another field.

You’ll be discouraged (even by friends and family)

If you’re young and looking to start a startup business, you might get some push back from people who see your youth and inexperience as reasons to not back you. If you’re older and looking to start a new business chapter, people might think you’re crazy for wanting to take such risks when there are “safer” ventures. It’s hard to go against the grain and sometimes ignore the advice from your friends, but you need to forge your own path.

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You won’t get special treatment

What this means is that customers and investors won’t care that you’re new to leading startups. They will want a quality product, even from the very beginning. And failing to deliver will stain your reputation, which can make it to attract future customers. too many startups are caught up in the next round of money and overlook the most important quality of successful startups: focusing solely on the right service and right product.

You’ll need capital

Most successful business stories tend to downplay the start up costs involved. If you’re serious about your startup, you’ll need to register your business, scope out an office, and hire employees. All of that quickly adds up, so budget well. Diligently seek out investors and funding. And while it is possible to bootstrap your operation, you still to plan out your budget at least several months in advance.

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You’ll need customers

There are many hoops to jump through in launching your startup. This includes building your website, printing business cards, and maintaining a social media presence. Sometimes what gets lost in all of these activities is the fact that your startup, your business, needs paying customers to be a sustainable model. Even in the early stages, you should keep an eye getting your first paying customer and become profitable ASAP. Polishing your brand is important, but pointless if you have no customers.

Ready to Jump Right In?

Choosing the right shared tech office space can jumpstart your tech business and accelerate your company’s growth. In the right ecosystem, you’ll have an easier time hiring top talent, expanding your network, and even securing the next round of funding.

Think your Seattle tech company might be a good fit for ExtraSlice’s community of trendsetters and innovators? Then book a tour of our tech campus or visit our website to learn more about The Place for Tech!

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